Who was the Legendary Prisoner who could not Show
his Face?
In the 60th year of King Louis XIV's reign, an enigmatic individual
known as the 'ancient prisoner' died in the Bastille. The reason for the
man's 34-year incarceration was never divulged, but today, we all know
of the bizarre aspects of his imprisonment, thanks to the romantic novelist
Alexandre Dumas, who wrote a book based on the old prisoner called "The
Man in the Iron Mask". Dumas popularised the notion that the Bastille's
most famous prisoner was either the Sun King himself or his twin brother,
and that the prisoner wore an iron mask, but the real facts concerning
the masked prisoner are much more mysterious. All that is known is that
in July 1669, a man was arrested in Dunkirk (which was then an English
posession); whether this man was entering or leaving the country has never
been established. He was taken to the prison fortress at Pignerol (near
Turin) in Piedmont, north-western Italy. Monsieur Saint-Mars, the governor
of the prison had received a letter on July 22nd, 1699 from the French
Minister of War, the Marquis de Louvois, telling him to take extraordinary
security precautions with a prisoner who was being sent to the fortress
at Pignerol:
The King has commanded that I am to have the man [the
prisoner] named Eustache Dauger sent to Pignerol. It is
of the most importance to His service that he should be
most securely guarded and that he should in no way give
information about himself nor send letters to anyone at
all. I am informing you of this in advance so that you
can have a cell prepared in which you will place him
securely, taking care that the windows of the place
in which he is put do not give on to any place that can
be approached by anyone, and that there are double doors
to be shut, for your guards must not hear anything. You
must yourself take to him, once a day, the day's necess-
ities, and you must never listen, under any pretext
whatever, to what he may want to reveal to you, always |
threatening to kill him if he ever opens his mouth to
speak of anything but his day-to-day needs.
Shortly after Dauger arrived at Pignerol, the prison governor
wrote back to Monsieur de Louvois, confirming the prisoner's arrival:
Monsieur de Vauroy [the military governor of Dunkirk]
has handed over to me the man named Eustache d'Auger [sic].
As soon as I had put him in a very secure place, while
waiting for the cell I am having prepared for him to
be completed, I told him in the presence of Monsieur
de Vauroy that if he should speak to me or anyone else
of anything other than his day-to-day needs, I would
run him through with my sword.
On my life, I shall not fail to observe,
very punctiliously,
your commands.
This obviously suggests that Dauger was no ordinary prisoner,
and that he had information that posed some sort of dire threat to the
security of the realm. |
In March 1698, Saint-Mars was given the post of governor at the Bastille.
When he arrived in Paris with Dauger, his prisoner was now wearing a black
velvet mask with metal clasps.
The arrival of the masked prisoner naturally made everyone in
the Bastille curious. The gossipers at the prison had a field day. Some
said that the strange prisoner was the illegitimate offspring of the Queen
Mother and her Chief Minister Cardinal Mazarin, while others believed that
the prisoner was the real Louis XIV and that the king of France was an
illegitimate son. Voltaire, one of the greatest intellects of his age (and
the man who invented the myth of the 'iron' mask), proposed that the prisoner
in the mask was an illegitimate half-brother of Louis XIV, the result of
infidelity by the queen of Louis XIII. There was no shortage of theories,
but the only person whoever saw the face of the prisoner was Saint-Mars,
and he never revealed what he knew. A doctor who once examined the man
in the mask never actually got to see his face; he only inspected the man's
tongue and his naked body, but he did note that the prisoner had dark skin,
and was "admirably made." He also said that the enigmatic captive had an
"interesting voice," but never elaborated further on this curious remark.
In 1703, the man in the mask died at the Bastille. All the furniture
and personal belongings in the cell where the masked man had been detained
were burned, and the surfaces of the cell's walls were scraped and whitewashed
in case the prisoner had engraved a message. Even the tiles of the floor
in the cell were replaced.
The faceless'ancient prisoner' who had lived his prison life
in such anonymity, was buried in an unmarked grave. The name on his burial
certificate names him Marchioly, which only deepens the mystery of the
masked prisoner's identity.
The blatant clue to the identity of the man in the velvet mask
is the need for the prisoner to be masked at all. Why was it so important
for his face to remain concealed for so long? Did the prisoner bear a striking
resemblance to some prominent person in France? The fact that a special
governor was appointed to the masked prisoner all of his life means he
must have been someone of note. Why wasn't he simply executed after his
arrest at Dunkirk? Was he allowed to live because he meant too much to
someone in power? Several historical revisionists have come to the conclusion
that Voltaire may have hit the nail on the head when he suggested that
the prisoner was the half-brother of Louis XIV.
Another unusual theory that been put forward in recent years
is that the prisoner was the real father of Louis XIV. It is known that
for 13 of their 22 years' marriage, Louis XIII and his queen, Anne of Austria
had no children, because the king was impotent. Cardinal Richelieu - who
was at the time the effective ruler of France - knew it was in the interests
of the monarch to produce an heir (who could become the puppet king
of the Richelieu faction). Richelieu used his diplomatic skills to get
the separated royal couple back together for a reconciliation, and the
result of this rapprochement was the birth of a boy in 1638. The news of
the birth shocked the French nation, as it was widely known that the royal
couple detested one another, and many thought it strange how the king and
queen - who had never had a child before - were suddenly able to produce
a heir. It has been suggested that the unprincipled Richelieu persuaded
the queen to have sexual intercourse with a young nobleman in order to
produce a heir to the throne. This nobleman would probably have been one
of the bastard sons of the promiscuous Henry of Navarre - all half-brothers
of King Louis XIII - which would have meant that the queen's lover had
royal Bourbon blood in his veins. This theory would certain explain why
Louis XIV was so unlike his royal 'father'. Perhaps the masked prisoner
had to have his face concrealed because of the tell-tale resemblance he
bore to his son. This would also explain why the 'Sun King' never had the
most famous prisoner of the Bastille secretly murdered; that would have
been patricide.
TRUE" (c400 pgs)
ISBN: 0-75252-407-0 (PARRAGON)
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