There are three dimensions of space; they are length, breadth, and width, or backwards and forwards, side to side, and up and down. Einstein proved that there is another dimension; the fourth dimension is time. The three dimensions of space specify where an object is, and the fourth dimension specifies when an object is. Seems complicated, but scientists now believe that there are more than four dimensions, and that these unchartered dimensions may be interwoven with our ones and may sometimes even become accidently accessible to ordinary human beings. This would explain the thousands of bizarre disappearances which are reported worldwide each year. Every year, thousands of people go missing in the United States alone. Some of the disappearances are mundane, like the teenage runaway, but there are so many baffling cases of people disappearing literally into thin air, and this is the subject of the following true story, which has been thoroughly investigated over the years.
In November 1930, Joe Labelle, a Canadian fur trapper, snowshoed into a thriving Eskimo fishing village situated on the shores of Lake Anjikuni in Canada. Labelle was greeted with an eerie silence. He thought this was very strange because the fishing village was a noisy settlement with 2,000 Eskimos milling back and forth to their kayaks. But there wasn't a soul about. Labelle visited each of the Eskimo huts and fish storehouses but none of the villagers was anywhere to be seen. Labelle saw a flickering fire in the distance and approached it gingerly, sensing something evil was afoot on this moonlit night. Upon the fire was a pot of stew that had almost evaporated and burnt. To make matters more mysterious, Labelle saw that not a single human track had left the settlement. Labelle knew something bizarre had happened to the 2,000 people, and so he ran non-stop to the nearest telegraph office and sent a message about his findings to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The mounties turned up hours later, and they too were baffled by the mass vanishing act. An enormous search party was sent out to look for the missing villagers, but they were never found,and the search party unearthed some strange findings. All the sleigh dogs that had belonged to the Eskimos were found buried 12 feet under a snowdrift at the perimeter of the camp. All of them had starved to death. The search party also established that the Eskimos' provisions and food had all been left in their huts, which didn't make any sense at all. Then came the most chilling surprise of all; the search party discovered that all of the Eskimos' ancestral graves were empty. Whoever or whatever had taken all the living villagers had also dug up the dead as well, even though the icy ground around the graves was as hard as iron. Later, on that unearthly silent night the mounties watched in awe as a strange blue glow lit up the horizon. The light was not the northern lights, but seemed artificial. As the mounties watched, the light pulsated then faded. All the newspaper of the world reported the baffling disappearance of the 2,000 eskimos, but many thought that a rational explanation would come to light soon. That was over 67 years ago, and the Anjikuni dissapearance is still unsolved.