STOP PRESS+++ The Other Side Of Midnight Vol 4 is on sale NOW from Radio City in Stanley Street...see intro on this page +++STOP PRESS

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A message for Terry Lennaine

Adolf Hitler Was the Fuhrer a Black Magician?
A Ghost Calls A Ghost story from the heart of Liverpool
The Vanishing Villagers A Strange tale of disapearing eskimo folk!
The Mary Celeste The Liverpool Connection
Bruce Lee Was the martial arts superstar murdered?
The Men in Black Who stalks UFO witnesses?
John Lennon Was he assassinated by the CIA?
The Cupid Incident Not all marriages are made in Heaven
The Vatican Letter What's the mystery of the pope's blue envelope?
The Titanic Strange tales of the doomed liner
The North Sea Dragon Viking tales of Sea Monsters
The Frozen Woman Was A  Survivor of the Titanic Disaster Rescued 76 years too late?
Hannah Brade The Mysterious Maid Who Wasn't What She Seemed
JFK and Lincoln Uncanny coincidences
The Knotty Ash Murder A "South Seas" Ritual Murder in suburban Liverpool
The Man in the Iron Mask Who was the legendary Prisoner who could not show his face?
The Mysterious Mr Moore Liverpool prophet of doom?
Popular Music The flip side?
Old Bob The faithful friend
William Shakespeare Who was the Bard of Stratford?
The Nightmare in the Elevator A tale of Russian arachnophobia?
Vampires Is there any truth behind the Tales of the Undead
Doppelgangers Do we all have a ghostly twin?
Zodiac A Killer driven by occult forces?
P.S Jack The Ripper!
Spring-Heeled Jack Real-life Batman of the 19th century
John Lennon His fixation with the number 9
Gladstone In search of Atlantis?